Pantun antarabangsa
Emosi, Emosi
gambatte | sukoshi
kalau lagi terkuat
gila gila aje berbuat
Emotion, Emotion
so much or so few
if too much strong
not good for us two
Saya memulakan virtual kedai kopi, seorang dudette bagi nama "Dude's Coffee Blender", bolehlah main kat sini. Saya nantikan VIP (orang2 samua!) datang kesini, minum kopi varieti, belanja, self serve. (Hati2, Don't step on the cat's tail!)...Hi and welcome to Dude's Coffee Blender. The VR drinks are delicious & fresh, the coffee hot & tasty, the atmosphere casual, cozy tuned to background music from around the world. [{poetic parrot = Haiku (^V^) "(^+^)" Syku = purring pussycat}]
Pantun antarabangsa
Emosi, Emosi
gambatte | sukoshi
kalau lagi terkuat
gila gila aje berbuat
Emotion, Emotion
so much or so few
if too much strong
not good for us two
12:02 PTG
topik/label: step pertama
1 ulasan:
Copied & adapted from MC's anniversary lovey-dovey her blog...
Companionship is finding someone
you can live with,
love is finding someone
you cannot live without.
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